Christmas Letter from the Rector

Dear people of Trinity,

This Advent season, I’ve been enjoying a daily devotional series written by the author and theologian, Kate Bowler. Here are her words that I encountered today, which she titled A Blessing for Telling the Truth:

Blessed are you,

beginning to have an inkling

that what once grounded you

is still there at the heart of things.

Those deeper, wider truths are your place

to stand.

That love wins,

and that kindness will prevail.

And that at your core,

you are not only lovable,

but deeply, deeply loved.

 And in the meantime, blessed are you

noticing the few small and useful things

that can be done,

even now, to make it a little better for


Maybe even you.

In this season of Advent—this season of waiting, anticipation, and hope for the transforming power of God-with-us, in the person of Jesus—we are not left to face the chances and darknesses and uncertainties of our lives alone. God meets us right where we are, with the assurance that those things that once grounded us are still there at the heart of things. . .  the enduring nature of love, the strength of kindness, and the indisputable truth that we—all of us—are beloved by God.

And while we wait and anticipate and hope, we’re invited to use these deeper, wider truths to help in bringing about the just, peaceful, joyous, and loving future that God envisions for all of us. Not solving every ill and turmoil of the world on our own, but maybe making things a little better for some somebody, somewhere. May we find the courage to make it so.

Wishing you all a joyous Christmas season, and an even better New Year.

The Rev. Elizabeth Molitors, Rector

Celebrate Christmas at Trinity! View the schedule of services HERE.


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