Our Worship Schedule - Service Times

Sundays: 8am Holy Eucharist and 10am Choral Eucharist

The 10am service will be live streamed. (See below for how to access.)

Holy Week Begins with Palm Sunday on April 13 - View Holy Week Services

What to expect at our worship services:

Welcome to our parish! We are glad to welcome you and to share in the inclusive, ever-abundant love of God.

Open Communion. Whatever tradition you come from, and wherever you are on our journey of faith, you are welcome at our communion table. You will find simple directions on how to participate in the Holy Communion section of the program. Gluten-free wafers are available—just ask when the bread is presented to you.

Prayer Ministers are available to receive prayer in private during communion at the 10am service.

Children. Trinity offers religious formation for our children (ages 3 to 12) through the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program. It takes place beginning at 9am in the Church School building behind the sanctuary. Children are brought into the church during the offertory Hymn to join us for communion at the 10am service. During summer months, our children’s program, Summer Sacred Arts, begins at 9:45am in the Parish Hall.

Our ushers are always glad to be of assistance, including answering questions, providing hearing loops as needed, and giving directions to our onsite facilities.

Coffee Hour. Join us outside on the Labyrinth or in the Parish Hall for fellowship after Sunday worship services.

Guide to the Episcopal Liturgy: for an explanation of why worship at Trinity looks and sounds like it does.

A note on parking:
Trinity has a small church lot for key personnel only. On Sunday mornings, the parking lot for Village Properties (accessed from Micheltorena) has many spaces. There is plenty of street parking available and two public, paid lots located nearby.  Lot #6, 1221 Anacapa St. and Lot # 5, 1220 Chapala St.

Weekly: Friday Morning Prayer

Join us in our Chapel for Friday Morning Prayer, 8:15-8:45am

Everyone is welcome. There is no need to bring anything except yourselves. The side gate off Micheltorena Street will be open, and a “Morning Prayer” sign will be displayed. It is a wonderful way to end your work week or begin your weekend, or both!

Monthly: Compline Service

Join us in our Sanctuary on the first Sunday of the month for Compline with Story and Sound, 7pm

Next Compline is on April 6.