Holy Week: A Story in Five Chapters
Message from the Rector, the Rev. Elizabeth Molitors:
My favorite week of the church year is upon us: Holy Week. It’s like the best family reunion, ever! The kind of reunion where the different generations—thousands of years’ worth of generations—come together and share the stories of how We became A Beloved People; how We went from There to Here; how the Hard Times we endured formed us into Us, and weaved together strong threads that Connect us, across time and distance, to people we’ve never met. Please come. Listen to and be part of The Sacred Story of God’s People.
Message from the Director of Children, Youth, and Young Adults, Theo Patterson:
With joyful celebration we invite the full participation of children, youth, and young adults at our services of Holy Week: A Story in Five Chapters! For families to learn more about all things egg hunt related, childcare arrangements, and how best to participate at each service, please see our 2025 Holy Week and Easter Letter to Families of Children and Youth. What a gift to be able to celebrate the Resurrection with the members of our community who are constant reminders of new life!
Chapter One: Palm Sunday,* in which we remember Christ’s entry into Jerusalem, and the beginning of his Last Week.
The Scene: Gathered in front of the Altar (8am service) or on the Labyrinth (10am service).
The People: All are invited to participate, including families with children. (The children will continue to church school after the procession of the palms.)
The Action: After the receiving of palms and the blessing of them, all are invited to process from the Altar or the Labyrinth to your seats in the church. (If you choose not to be part of the Procession of Palms into the church at 10am, a blessing of palms will take place in the church.)
* We are celebrating Palm Sunday as Palm Sunday, not combined with the Passion. To hear the Passion story, please attend the Good Friday service.
Chapter Two: Maundy Thursday, in which Jesus gives his disciples a New Commandment —to love one another—and demonstrates servant leadership in the washing of feet. He also institutes the Holy Eucharist: the blessing, breaking, and sharing of bread and wine to transform us into The Body of Christ.
The Scene: We begin our service in the Parish Hall at 6pm to share a simple meal of bread, cheese, fruit, and other items, provided by each of the people at the table. (If you are planning to attend the Maundy Thursday service, see the sign-up sheets to reserve a spot at a table, and indicate what food item you will bring. And please arrive at 5:45pm.)
The People: All are invited to participate, including families with children.
The Action: The service begins with blessings over the food, and hearing the story of The Passover. After enjoying the food and the company of others at your table, we’ll hear the gospel where Jesus instructs his disciples to love and serve, and then everyone will be invited to participate in foot washing. Eucharist follows, with communion bread and wine shared at your tables. Then we’ll proceed into the church for the Stripping of the Altar and hearing the Desertion Gospel. We end this service in Silence.
Chapter Three: Good Friday, in which we remember the trial, crucifixion, and death of Jesus.
The Scene: The service takes place in the church beginning at 6pm.
The People: All are invited to participate.
The Action: We hear the story of Jesus’ trial, crucifixion, and death in a presentation of the Passion Gospel presented by several readers. We venerate the Cross (approach the cross of Jesus to offer a silent prayer), and receive Communion from Reserved Sacrament (already blessed bread and wine). We end this service in silence.
Chapter Four: The Great Vigil of Easter, in which we light the New Fire, hear The Salvation History, renew our Vows of Baptism, and Rejoice in the Good News of the Resurrection.
The Scene: We begin the service on The Labyrinth at 7pm.
The People: All are invited to participate, including families with children.
The Action: After blessing the New Fire at the Labyrinth, we process into the Church following the Light of Christ. After being seated, we listen to the ancient stories of God’s repeated attempts to release God’s People from the bondage and weight of sin. We renew our baptismal vows and learn, anew, the power of love to overcome death, celebrating with a cacophony of bells that Christ Is Risen. We share bread and wine at Eucharist, then end the evening with a Festive Reception in the Parish Hall. Everyone is invited to bring an appetizer or dessert to share; beverages of all sorts will be provided. Please see the signup sheet in the Parish Hall to RSVP and indicate what food item you’ll be bringing to share.
Chapter Five: Easter Sunday, in which we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The Scene: We begin the service in the Church at 8am or 10am.
The People: All are invited to participate. We welcome, with joy, everyone who comes through our doors: traveling visitors, respite seekers, curious newcomers, longtime parishioners.
The Action: We celebrate the Good News of Resurrection, of Love overcoming Death. We join the choir in singing festive hymns and hear the story of the First Easter. To begin the 10am service, children are invited to "flower the cross." Following the 10am service, children are invited to participate in an Easter Egg Hunt.