Lenten Series: Reading and Living the Bible
The Scripture Fest continues on the five Wednesdays in Lent—March 12, 19, 26, April 2, and 9—from 6:30 to 8:30pm.

Care Bag Assembly
At coffee hour after both worship services, you are invited to assemble care bags to give to a person in need. All the materials (lunch-sized bag, food, water, hygiene essentials) will be available.
The Future of Gun Violence Prevention Community Forum
The Gun Violence Prevention Action Circle will present a community forum with presenters Assemblyman Gregg Hart, Kendall Pata of Moms Demand Action, and a representative from the Hope and Heal Fund. Contact: Ken Johnson, 41omaha73@gmail.com.

Compline with Story & Sound
Compline with Story & Sound. An evening of meditative music and storytelling.

Noon Concert for Piano and Bassoon
Join us for the next Noon Concert with with Natasha Kislenko and William Wood.

Trinity Men’s Group
Trinity Men’s Group holds a meeting on the first Monday of each month in the Trinity library.

Trinity Men’s Group Breakfast
Join the Men's Group in Trinity's Guild Hall for a breakfast meal and conversation.

Holy Week and Easter Services
April 13: Palm Sunday
8am The Liturgy of the Palms and Holy Eucharist
10am The Liturgy of the Palms and Choral Eucharist
April 17: Maundy Thursday
6pm meal, foot washing, Eucharist, stripping of the altar
April 18: Good Friday
6pm liturgy with veneration of the cross and communion from reserve sacrament.
April 19: Great Vigil of Easter
7pm Liturgy (incense will be used) with Festive Reception to follow.
April 20: Easter Sunday
8am Festival Choral Eucharist
10am Festival Choral Eucharist (incense will be used)

Greening of the Church for Easter
Help the transformation of our sanctuary into a magical space for our Easter services. There is a job for everyone, no experience necessary. Stay for as little or as long as you are able. Sign up at coffee hour or online.
Climate Connections Forum
Justice and Outreach's Climate and Environment Action Circle (CEAC) is working on bringing a climate forum to Trinity this spring. Mark your calendars now to attend "Trinity Climate Connections," a special forum in the Parish Hall. The forum leader will be Kate Varley from the LA Bishop's Commission on Climate Change, who will also speak at both church services on May 4th. Contact: Jean Davis, jeanlangedavis@gmail.com.

World Labyrinth Day
Bring your thoughts and concerns as you journey with God in the spiritual practice of walking prayer.

Spring Ministry Fair
Discover ways to connect with Trinity ministries and other Trinity members by visiting Ministry Fairs, out on the Labyrinth following both services.

Memorial Service for Kent Carlander
Join us in celebrating Kent’s life at the memorial service at Trinity with a reception following in the Parish Hall.

Hot Lunch at the FARO Center
Join us on the fourth Wednesday and Thursday of the month to provide lunches for guests of the FARO Center. Check the volunteer sign up for current opportunities.
Transition House Meals
Join us on the fourth Saturday of the month to provide, prepare and serve a meal to our neighbors at Transition House. Check the volunteer sign up for current opportunities.

Women's Group: Women at the Well
The Women at the Well Group is founded for women seeking the wisdom of other women in a relaxed and supportive atmosphere. Meetings will be held in the Youth Group room (enter from Micheltorena), once a month on Saturdays.

Scripture Fest: Reading and Living the Bible
Join us for our kickoff to our Wednesday Lenten series on reading the Bible. Our guide for the day will be Gary Hall—former Trinity interim rector and retired seminary and literature professor.

Lent at Trinity
Lent at Trinity
Ash Wednesday, March 5, 2025
7:30am Holy Eucharist and Imposition of Ashes
12:30pm Holy Eucharist and Imposition of Ashes
6pm Choral Eucharist and Imposition of Ashes (Service will be livestreamed.)

Pancake Dinner & Mardi Gras Party
The entire parish is warmly invited to attend an evening of festive celebration, dancing, and feasting sponsored by the Children and Youth Council.
Becoming a Dementia Friendly Church
Join us for an adult formation series about dementia, caregiving, and what it means to be a “dementia-friendly” church. This series will be held in the Guild Hall on three Sundays: Feb 16, 23, and March 2.

Freedom Warming Center at Trinity
Trinity volunteers help prepare and serve the dinner which includes a hot main dish, salad, bread and dessert, and also make PB&J sandwiches for breakfast.

Annual Meeting Sunday
Join us for a combined worship service at 9:30am with our 2024 Annual Meeting following in the Parish Hall.

Dignity Index Forums
As part of the Jim Wallis False White Gospel preaching series, The Rev. Mark Asman referenced the Dignity Index as a tool to help us bridge our deep divisions. In the two forums on January 19 and 26, Mark will help us go deeper into understanding and practicing the Dignity Index.

Inauguration of Love Labyrinth Walk
Bring your thoughts and concerns as you journey with God in the spiritual practice of walking prayer.

Kitchen Work Day
Come join with other church members in our annual kitchen cleanup. We want our kitchen in tip top shape for the coming year. Tasks are not heavy and with enough help we can knock this out in a few short hours. Refreshments will be provided! Join us!

Trinity's Holiday Gift Drive: Bras, Blankets, and Bucks
This holiday season, Trinity will partner with PATH Santa Barbara and Doctors Without Walls—Santa Barbara Street Medicine to provide the people they serve with much needed items.

Christmas Services
Christmas Eve – Tuesday, December 24
4pm Children's Nativity (service will be livestreamed)
9:30pm Carol Singing
10pm Festival Choral Eucharist (incense will be used)
Christmas Day – Wednesday, December 25
10am Choral Eucharist
First Sunday After Christmas – Sunday, Dec. 29
9:30am Lessons and Carols with Eucharist

Advent with the Mystics: What Are We Waiting For?
Worship Services at 8am and 10am.
Preaching Lineup:
December 1: Margery Kempe Diana Small
December 8: Thomas Merton Elizabeth Molitors
December 15: Teresa of Avila Sarah Thomas
December 22: Thérese of Lisieux John Draper

Christmas Cookie Walk
Trinity is hosting our fourth annual Christmas Cookie Walk. Make plans to attend and gather homemade Christmas cookies in all shapes and flavors, made by Trinity parishioners. View the video and get more information here.

Blue Christmas Service
A contemplative service of prayer, ritual, meditation, and music to provide healing space for those who experience the Christmas season as a difficult one due to loss, grief, or loneliness, and for those who love and support them.

Alternative Christmas Market
Trinity parishioners and friends have an opportunity to “justice shop” at our annual Alternative Christmas Market (ACM) and support a wide variety of local and international charitable organizations. Our church school children and youth group members take an active role in helping raise funds. See the event flyer for more information. Volunteers are needed to help with this event.

Trinity Backstage Holiday Show
Join musicians Doug Clegg, Kate Wallace, James McVay and special guests for an afternoon of great music, delectables, cider, tea and hot cocoa on the Labyrinth. Suggested donations of $20 can be made at the door or online. All ages are welcome!

Ornament Exchange
Please bring a wrapped Christmas Tree Ornament—one for each person attending—along with yourself and some food/beverage to share (i.e. sweet or savory nibbles, wine or sparkling water). We'll gather in the Guild Hall, and let the festivities begin!

Memorial Service for Debbie Molnar
Join us in celebrating Debbie's life at the memorial service at Trinity with a reception following in the Parish Hall.

Advent Wreath Making
After both services in the Guild Hall, celebrate the season by assembling your own Advent wreath. Fresh greens, bases, candles, and a prayer card will be provided. A suggested donation of $20 will help cover the costs.

Training and Inspiration for Greeters and Ushers
Greeters and ushers play a vital role in our community as the first faces of welcome at Trinity. This 45-minute refresher session in the Guild Hall reminds us of God's love expressed through genuine hospitality. It is for all current greeters and ushers and anyone interested in learning more about the significance of Christian hospitality.

Newcomer Café
Newcomer welcome! Meet in the church following the 10am service. Refreshments will be served.

Church School Volunteer Training
Would you like to explore what it's like to serve in Trinity's children's program, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS)? There will be a training held in the Youth Group room and it will cover a brief overview of the history, methodology, and practice of CGS.

Noon Concert: All You Need is Love
Join us for the next Noon Concert with Kate Wallace and Doug Clegg.

Combined Worship Service and Ingathering Brunch
We close our annual-giving season with a celebratory combined-worship service and the Ingathering of Pledges, with brunch following in the Parish Hall.