Announcements and Press Releases

Support Communities Impacted by Fires
Locally and nationally the Episcopal community has rallied together, in a resilient outpouring of prayers, love and support as out-of-control Southern California wildfires destroyed thousands of acres, homes, schools, and an Episcopal church among various houses of worship and historic buildings, forcing mass evacuations.

Christmas Letter from the Rector
. . . And while we wait and anticipate and hope, we’re invited to use these deeper, wider truths to help in bringing about the just, peaceful, joyous, and loving future that God envisions for all of us. Not solving every ill and turmoil of the world on our own, but maybe making things a little better for some somebody, somewhere. May we find the courage to make it so.
Wishing you all a joyous Christmas season, and an even better New Year.
The Rev. Elizabeth Molitors, Rector
Celebrate Christmas at Trinity! View the schedule of services HERE.

Annual Giving Letter from the Rector
We are all in this together is the theme we have chosen for this year’s Annual Giving campaign at Trinity. While the outward and visible sign of the Annual Giving season is the gathering of financial pledges to support Trinity’s operating budget (which funds our ministries, maintains our buildings, and pays staff salaries) the spiritual grace that underlies this ask is the building up of the church community, called to be Christ’s hands and feet and heart in the world.

September Ministry Spotlight: Ushers and Greeters
This month’s spotlight will be on “Ushers and Greeters.” If you'd like to learn more about this important ministry, email or visit the welcome and information table at Sunday Coffee Hours this month.

Easter Letter and Holy Week Invitation from the Rector
My favorite week of the church year is upon us: Holy Week. It’s like the best family reunion, ever! The kind of reunion where the different generations—thousands of years’ worth of generations—come together and share the stories of how We became A Beloved People; how We went from There to Here; how the Hard Times we endured formed us into Us, and weaved together strong threads that Connect us, across time and distance, to people we’ve never met. Please come. Listen to and be part of The Sacred Story of God’s People. View the Holy Week schedule HERE.

Letter from the Rector: Staff Announcement
I'm pleased to announce that I've hired a new Director of Children and Youth, Theo Patterson, who will begin his work on January 8, 2024.

Year-Round Stewardship Testimonial: Georgia Noble
Senior Warden Georgia Noble kicks off our fall season with a testimonial at Sunday’s services on September 17.