August Ministry Spotlight: Hospitality

Once in a while, we have special events that need extra hands to make happen, whether it be bringing a dish to share, setting tables, or greeting people at the door. If you are interested in getting to know more people while helping make special events happen, sign up at the Hospitality table at coffee hour on Sunday to join an email list that will go out a few weeks before each event. No commitment required! It is a way to say, “I am interested and might be available.” This ministry embodies our Gospel calling to welcome Christ as we gather in fellowship and the breaking of the bread.

Questions? Contact our Hospitality Council Co-Chairs: Alexander Thomas ( or Georg Rice (

Read the Ministry reflection from parishioner Betty Wenzel:

Good Morning!  I’m Betty Wenzel and I’ve been a member here at Trinity since 2002. I’ve served in many ministries during my time here, but when I think back on how I first involved, it was Hospitality that brought me in.

Stephen Singleton was the chair of the council that was called “Parish Life and Growth” and he was forming a “Special Events Team” that would help in the coordination of parish events that involved “the breaking of the bread” outside of Sunday morning worship. The idea of participating in parish events that would extend fellowship and hospitality was exciting for me. I was ready to meet parishioners in spaces outside of church and coffee hour. I had already attended an event like the Harvest Dinner, Stewardship kickoff or a Newcomer Gathering and saw how much fun the volunteers were having. I was ready to give more of my time, so I said Yes!

My participation with the Special Events team ranged from helping out as a volunteer or co-coordinating an event. I found much satisfaction in the organization and execution of parish events. I felt much joy watching people have a good time. Through collaboration on the special events, I got to know more parishioners. Through those connections, I was able to find other roles to explore with altar guild and children’s ministries. All of which have deepened my connection to this place.

The hospitality team is now forming a list of interested parishioners who would be contacted as future events come up. Events like special coffee hours, the annual giving kickoff dinner, the ingathering brunch, and annual meeting, to name a few. The request for participation can be varied, from decorating, to setting up, to bringing a dish, to cleaning up, all with the goal of extending hospitality and fellowship. When you are contacted, you’ll receive a clear description of what is needed, and reply if you can participate. Easy!

I invite you to consider joining the team of “hospitality helpers” and let hospitality draw you in.


September Ministry Spotlight: Ushers and Greeters


The Fireside Room has a new look!