Children’s Ministries at Trinity are a vibrant, essential, and growing piece of our worship and formation programs.
At Trinity, we offer an open and affirming community for spiritual formation for children at every stage of their journey. We offer nursery care, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd for children aged 3.5-12, and Youth Group for middle & high school students.
Nursery Care
Every Sunday morning, from 9:00a-11:30a. The Trinity church nursery, housed upstairs in the church office building, offers childcare for infants and toddlers up to age 3 and a half. The nursery offers a safe, pleasant, and spacious play space for our littlest parishioners, full of fun and age-appropriate toys and activities. Nursery care is provided every Sunday morning starting at 9:00 am and continuing until the end of the 10am service (approximately 11:30 am), when nursery children may be picked up by their families. Parents are also welcome to retrieve their children at the passing of the peace in time to share Eucharist with them. We encourage you to fill out a nursery registration form if you’d like to register your child in our nursery program.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS)
The catechesis program meets September through May in our children’s building, starting at 9:00 a.m. each Sunday morning. CGS is divided into three levels: Level I, for children aged 3.5 through kindergarten; Level II, for children in grades 1-3, and Level III, for children in grades 4-6.
On Sunday mornings, you can expect your preschool or elementary school-aged child to spend the first portion of the service being supervised in a program designed for her alongside other children near to her age, and to be brought into the service to join you and your family for communion.
CGS for the 2024-25 school year begins September 8, 2024: REGISTER YOUR CHILD HERE.
Trinity Youth Group
At Trinity, we embrace the capacity and insight of our teen parishioners, and encourage our youth to participate in all facets of parish life, from liturgical ministry to church governance, from community service to civic engagement.
During the school year, our middle and high school youth group meets every Thursday from 7pm until 8:30pm for fellowship with music, games, snacks, conversation, and prayer together. We also gather throughout the year for community service projects and parties.
Youth Group is facilitated and designed by the Director of Children and Youth, Theo Patterson. The Director and Youth Group Mentors foster a safe, encouraging space for spiritual exploration and the asking of important questions. We also have a lot of fun building relationships over games, art and hanging out.
Youth Group for the 2024-25 school year begins September 12, 2024: REGISTER YOUR YOUTH GROUPER HERE.
Summer Sacred Arts
Sunday mornings in the Parish Hall, starting at 9:45a and ending in time join for Eucharist at approximately 10:40a.
During the summer months, children ages 3.5 through 12 are invited to join our arts and crafts program, Summer Sacred Arts, in the Guild Hall. This program provides fun and creative outlets for kids, and has in the past included painting, craft-making, singing, cooking, and even astronomy lessons! Our focus during the summer months is on celebrating our God-given creativity, and appreciating the beauty and delight all around us. Events in Summer Sacred Arts vary week by week throughout the summer, and are supported by parish volunteers who choose to share their interests and artistic gifts with our children.
For any questions regarding children or youth, please email Theo Patterson, Director of Children and Youth Ministries: CYDirector@trinitysb.org