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Trinity's Holiday Gift Drive: Bras, Blankets, and Bucks

This holiday season, Trinity will partner with PATH Santa Barbara and Doctors Without Walls—Santa Barbara Street Medicine to provide the people they serve with much needed items.

PATH’s mission is to end homelessness for individuals and families by providing supportive services, including street outreach, interim housing, employment assistance, mental health care, and Veteran services. Currently in the SB shelter there are 85-90 residents. They would like to collect new throw or twin-sized blankets gift wrapped (if possible) and $20 gift cards to Target. The PATH Drive will run from November 24 through December 15.

Doctors Without Walls (DWW) is a local nonprofit organization dedicated to delivering free, compassionate medical care to Santa Barbara County’s most vulnerable residents. Their Holiday Clothing Drive will focus specifically on collecting bras to support the women who attend their clinic and are in need of new or gently used bras. The DWW Drive will run from November 24 thorugh January 5.

Please bring your gifts to Trinity on one of the four Sundays during the drive. Or drop off your gift at Trinity during the week during business hours.

December 25

Christmas Morning Open House: All Welcome

January 18

Kitchen Work Day