Announcements and Press Releases
Year-Round Stewardship Testimonial: Jennifer Bergquist
The vestry has asked parish lay leaders to give testimonials at Sunday services. On March 19, Jennifer Bergquist addressed the congregation.
Trinity Holds Annual Meeting
On February 12, Trinity held their 2022 Annual Meeting. See the slideshow, view the financials, the annual report and read the rector’s address.
Year-Round Stewardship Testimonial: Caryl Casbon
The vestry has asked parish lay leaders to give testimonials at Sunday services. On January 29, Caryl Casbon addressed the congregation.
Associate Rector Named
Sarah Thomas will become Trinity’s Associate Rector, effective January 1, 2023.
Year-Round Stewardship Testimonial: Michael Neal Arnold
The vestry has asked parish lay leaders to give testimonials at Sunday services. On October 2, Michael Neal Arnold addressed the congregation.
Year-Round Stewardship Testimonial: The Beard-Armbruster Family
The vestry has asked parish lay leaders to give testimonials at Sunday services. On September 18, Ralph Armbruster-Sandoval and his children Sol and Sky addressed the congregation. Each had a very special take on why their life at Trinity is so important to them.
Moving Equality Forward on the Central Coast
Trinity is proud to be included with other faith communities in signing a statement of solidarity with LGBTQ+ people.
Giving Back
Alexander Thomas had this to say about serving as co-chair of the Hospitality Council: "I have met nearly every person here at Trinity. And it has afforded me the opportunity to really give back. I have received so much in these past few years. They say when you give away love it comes back threefold. In my case it comes back over 100-fold."
What moves us?
I wanted to share a little bit of my Trinity journey in hopes to inspire and prompt a bit of reflection about "what moves us."