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On Becoming a Way Finder: The Power & Practice of Spiritual Discernment

  • Trinity Episcopal Church 1500 State Street Santa Barbara, CA, 93101 United States (map)

We are excited to kick off the fall season with a retreat at Trinity that focuses on discernment practices designed to help us listen to the voice and call of Spirit in guiding our lives. How do we hear God’s voice? What are some of the skills needed for listening? How can we be sensitive to the movement of the Holy Spirit when making decisions (large and small) and discerning direction in life?

Location: Trinity's Parish Hall
Cost: $40 per person to cover food (scholarships available)
Meals: Friday evening supper, Saturday morning snacks, and lunch
What to bring: A journal, and wear comfortable clothing and shoes
Leadership Team: Georgia Noble, Jay Casbon, Caryl Casbon, Elizabeth Molitors, and Sarah Thomas
Register here. View the retreat flyer here.
For more information: Caryl or Georgia

September 11

The Path: Exploring the Bible - Small Group Study

October 11

End of (This) Life Series